Your next step is your FREE Love Audit!

1. Schedule a free, no obligation LOVE AUDIT with me where we chat about your romantic dreams and your obstacles.

2. You'll leave with a helpful takeaway on how to revamp your love life, and if you're interested, I'll tell you how to work with me further.

3. Let's get started making a plan to get the relationship you dream of!

You'll be supported every step of the way.

Does this sound like you?

  • You are just sure that all the good ones are taken.

  • You're afraid of dating.

  • You think you're too old. After all, you haven't dated since the Bush Administration. (Either of them.)

  • You feel like something must be wrong with you.

  • You don't even know where to start!

Remember when dating was fun rather than a hamster wheel of coffee dates and being ghosted?

You got all tingly with the possibility of a new love adventure?

Fall in love with the process again!

I can show you how.

Imagine if...

  • You discover that there are indeed good (and available) men.

  • You learn how to date online safely and securely IF you enjoy it.

  • You're not too old at all!

  • You find that dating can be fun.

  • The love of your life is waiting for you.

Hello, I'm Diane Brandon Moody, your dating coach.

I got married for the first time at age 58. My now-husband and I met on Craigslist (of all places!) when he was looking for a lawn mower.

For years I've studied with some well-known relationship coaches and coaching women all over the globe, and learned what I needed to know to get out of my own way. (Turns out I was in my way a LOT.)

Join me so you don't waste another moment of your life trying to figure this out by yourself.

"She has given me the ability, courage and know-how to believe that I can have greatness."

Julia V.